Restore Your Core
An 8-week series to develop optimal core function and strength. Gain LIFETIME ACCESS to 24 classes plus educational resources to help you gain better understanding of your anatomy. Develop better pelvic floor function. Reduce low back, hip and pelvic pain. Heal diastasis recti. Manage sciatica. Improve posture and balance for lifelong functionality!
Before Beginning This Course
Course Introduction
Hello and welcome! I’m so happy to have you along this journey and I hope this series is able to help you improve your health and fitness long-term.
How to Modify
Here I'll break down how you should approach modifications if you are:
Dealing with low back pain, hip pain, S-I Joint Dysfunction
Pre- or Post-Surgery
Week 1: Breath & The Pelvic Floor
Week 1 Introduction
Here’s some basic information on the pelvic floor anatomy and how we’ll approach training this deepest layer of your core.
Class 1: Pelvic Floor & Breath
In this first class, we’ll go over the full functionality of the breath and pelvic floor. We practice breathing exercises as well as pelvic floor coordination and strengthening exercises, and then apply those concepts to some classic fitness movement.
Class 1 Q&A
Chat after class 1
Class 2: The Breath
In this foundational practice, we begin to integrate proper pelvic floor engagement with the breath. This is the basis for using the deep core properly.
Class 3: Move with the Floor
In this class we focus on integrating the pelvic floor and deep core engagement with some basic everyday movement. This is a great rehabilitative practice but also a critical technique for advanced athletes to maintain to avoid injury.
Week 2: The Deep Core
Week 2 Introduction
Let’s go over the anatomy and function of some of the key deep core muscles, and discuss how best to train and strengthen them.
Class 4: The Deep Core
In this class, we’ll practice exercises that help you to connect to your deep core and strengthen some of the most critical postural muscles in your trunk.
Class 5: Transversus Town
A workout that focuses on the brain-body connection to our deepest layer of abdominal muscle: the transversus abdominis.
Class 6: Multifidi Mountain
In this class, we practice a few movements to help implement an extremely deep back stabilizing muscle: Multifidus.
Week 3: Diastasis Recti
Week 3 Introduction
This week, we are focusing on a specific topic: Diastasis recti. 100% of pregnancies will result in diastases recti, though anyone, not just pregnant women, may be susceptible to this issue.
Class 7: Diastasis Training
In this class, you’ll be taken through a training to strengthen and rehabilitate the abs in a way that is safe for diastases recti.
Class 8: Neutral Spine Time
In this short diastasis-recti safe workout, we’re strengthening the core from a neutral spine position.
Class 9: DR Directions
This diastasis-safe short workout just focuses on beginning to move the spine in all directions with proper core engagement.
Week 4: Low Back Pain
Week 4 Introduction
This week, our focus is on healing, managing, and preventing low back pain.
Class 10: Low Back Pain
Here are some of my favorite key exercises to prevent and manage low back pain.
Class 10 Q&A
Chitter chatter after class.
Class 11: Low Back Release
A soothing release for your low back!
Class 12: Low Abs Builder
Build up some strength in the lower abdomen to support the low back!
Week 5: S-I Joint Dysfunction, Piriformis Syndrome, Sciatica
Week 5 introduction
This week we focus on Sacro-Illiac Joint (SIJ) dysfunction. The exercises presented this week not only help with SIJ issues, but are also often used to heal piriformis syndrome, relieve sciatica pain and help to support the low back as well.
Class 13: SI Joint Dysfunction (Piriformis Syndrome & Low Back Relief)
In this class, we’ll be working the core and lower Gluteus Maximus as well as the side butt, inner and outer thighs and the back muscles. Developing strength and flexibility in these muscle groups aids in supporting the sacroiliac joints, and is also useful for relieving low back and sciatica pain.
Class 14: Cinnamon Buns
This short workout focuses on developing strength around the hips, targeting the gluteus medius and minimus as well as the deep rotators including piriformis, plus inner and outer thighs, with a little back extension thrown in to get the gluteus maximus too! All the butts!
Class 15: Bridge Over Troubled Water
Here’s a booty-licious workout for you! A million bridges!
Week 6: Hip Pain
Week 6 Introduction
This week, we’re giving a little spotlight on hip pain and developing the core muscles around the hips.
Class 16: Hip Pain
A thorough hip workout to restore balance to the many muscles involved in the the hip joint.
Class 17: Hip Hip Hooray!
A short action-packed sequence for hip stability.
Class 18: The Flamingo
Alright, let’s work the hip standing…one one leg. Think pink.
Week 7: Improve Balance & Posture
Week 7 Introduction
This week we tackle all things BALANCE!
Class 19: The Balance Buster
Let's get ready to deep dive into balance challenges! We'll use some yoga poses as inspiration.
Class 20: Don't Fall Over
This is an all-on-the-floor yet balance-challenging workout!
Class 21: I Like Big Balls
And I cannot lie...stability balls are awesome.
Week 8: Super Strong Abs
Your Reward for Finishing!