Fundamentals of Flexibility Training
This is a 6-week course that meets twice per week for a total of 12 classes. Live classes will meet Mondays and Wednesdays from January 13th through February 19th from 5:30-6:45pm Pacific Time via Zoom. Recordings are available for lifetime access!
Classes are open to all levels and abilities. We’ll begin with the fundamentals of hip and shoulder mobility, and then progress to explore leg strength, splits, backbends, spinal health, one-leg balances, arm balances and more!
Flexibility is essential for quality of life and longevity.
Class 1: Hips Hips Hips
Class 2: Essential Shoulders
Shoulder Conditioning
Some great strength and mobility training with bands!
Essential Shoulders
Due to our modern lifestyle, there are a myriad of common issues regarding necks, upper backs, and shoulders. We need strong and mobile shoulders for good hand stands, arm balances and back bends. Here is where to start for a delightfully strong and flexible upper back and happy shoulders.
Class 3: Intro to Front Splits
Class 4: Cobra-rific
Class 5: Mysterious Middles
Middle Splits Conditioning
For some of us, they’re easy. For others, possibly close to impossible! However, whoever you are, you need hip conditioning for middle splits. Let’s get to it.
Mysterious Middles
Many people are kerfuffled by middle splits, and for good reason! Let’s explore what all goes into this lovely trick.
Class 6: Leggy Backbends
Class 7: Lifting Legs
Class 8: Connecting Shoulders to Hips
Class 9: Deeper Splits
Class 10: Back Strength
Class 11: Rotating Splits
Split Switching Warmup
In this warmup and conditioning segment, we target both the large “power” muscle of the legs as well as the smaller “stabilizing” muscles particularly around the ankles and hips ready to rock.
Rotating Splits
A great way to create stable hips and beautiful flexibility transitions: split switches.
Class 12: Upside-Down