Bellydance Layers, Shimmies, Combos and Spins
Take your bellydance technique to the next level in this fun and challenging 6-week dance series.
We'll meet live on Mondays at 6pm September 16 through October 21, with recordings here.
Challenging and fun, this series will help you refine your dance with joy!
Week 1: Shimmy Master
Week 2: Love Locks
Week 3: Circles and Spins
Week 4: Crazy about 8's
Week 5: Polyrhythms
Intro to Polyrhythms
Here's a brief explanation of how we can use multiple rhythms or speeds to layer bellydance movements!
Musicality master
Here we shall dig deep into our musical brains to achieve the crown of all layering technique: multiple movements at multiple speeds...and sometimes with multiple patterns, too, oh my!
Week 6: Duck, Duck, Goose
Learn to be free in your movement.
Free to combine any movements with one another without hesitation. Freedom in the ease of your technique. Freedom in expression, as you expand your body’s capability to move.
This course will test your skill, test your endurance, and test your sense of humor! Layers are complex and delightful, and need special mental focus plus physical aptitude. Shimmies require endurance and crisp technique without excessive tension. Learn to be relaxed while deepening your ability to do more and more complicated combinations. Find ease and confidence in your turns and traveling steps.
Bellydance is a wonderfully accessible form of dance, but it is not at all simple. Enjoy increasing your strength, coordination while improving your posture and musicality. Can’t wait to dance with you!