Female Health and Pelvic Wellness

Welcome! This course will meet LIVE for 8 weeks on Saturdays from 8:30-9:30am(ish) Pacific Time January 11 through March 1st, 2025 via Zoom. Zoom link is listed in the first lesson of the course. Recordings will be available for LIFETIME UNLIMITED ACCESS.

Recent scientific data and population observations have provided us with much more information on female health, longevity, hormonal balance, muscle and bone health and how to more effectively optimize fitness and nutrition. This course will include a weekly hour-long class which focuses on female pelvic health (hip mobility, healthy hip flexors, psoas major, hypermobility issues, sacroiliac joint function, low back and hamstring health, abdominal and core strength and pelvic floor function in addition to preparation for birth and recovery in postpartum). Each weekly lesson will include additional information on female-specific health with resources for further study and inspiration.

All levels and abilities are welcome! Check out the lessons below to see what we’ll be covering each week.

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